Missouri Complete Streets

Active Living Communities of Practice

In 2018, Missouri received a five year Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) State Physical Activity and Nutrition grant. These grant funds are helping local communities throughout the state adopt active transportation policies and create plans for activity friendly routes that link community members to everyday destinations, such as homes, schools and businesses.

These communities noted on the map below have received a portion of these grant funds and participated in one of the cohorts of the Active Living Community of Practice (ALCP). The ALCP uses a collaborative learning process in which the cohort members discover how to advance Livable Streets in their communities from active transportation experts and each other. Descriptions of the communities’ Livable Streets efforts can be found by clicking on each pin on the map below.



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Missourian’s for Responsible Transportation is a partnership between BikeWalkKC, Ozark Greenways, Trailnet & PedNet
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